School-Work Alternance

biennalearte2For several years IISS Nervi Galilei has been involved in projects of Alternanza Scuola Lavoro in order to facilitate the transition of young people from school to the world of production.
biennalearteThe last school reform has supported the ASL-Alternanza Scuola Lavoro, making it compulsory for every type of school. Its main goal is to build a bridge between the school and the world of work offering young students, in addition to basic knowledge, the aquisition of skills which are expendable in the job market.
saie16Last month, the fourth year classes of surveyors, courses A, B and C, their teachers Mr. Francesco Berloco, Mrs Maria Santoro and Mrs Maria V. Picciallo and the principal Mr. Vitantonio Petronella, had a further experience of Alternanza Scuola Lavoro visiting SAIE in Bologna and the Biennale in Venice.
Saie is a trade fair about building products and technologies showing the direction is sweeping the building industry. It is the International reference point for the world of construction, the hub for sharing ideas, solutions and visions in order to create smart buildings in smart cities and blend synergies between planners, systems designers and craftsmen.
biennaleThe Venice Biennale is one of the most famous cultural organizations in the world with its exhibitions in sectors such as Arts, Architecture, Cinema, Dance, Music and Theatre. The Architecture Biennale takes place from May 28th to November 27th 2016 in the Giardini and Arsenale Venues including 88 participants from 37 different countries. It has been recognised as the most important event in the world as it shows the complexity and variety of challenges that architecture has to respond to nowadays.
All the students enjoyed the trip as it gave them the possibility to put into practice not only their school skills but also to receive new stimulus. (Prof.ssa Maria Picciallo)